Singing Guide: Andrew Peterson feat. Derek Webb

Singing Guide: Andrew Peterson feat. Derek Webb

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal Technique:

Andrew Peterson's voice is known for its warm and resonant quality. He has a rich tone, which emphasizes his emotional lyrics. Andrew's unique vocal technique can be summarized as "clear and present." He avoids nasality and instead focuses on open-throated singing. Additionally, his pitch is excellent, and he uses a wide range of dynamics to create a powerful emotional affect.

On the other hand, Derek Webb's voice has a unique edge to it. His vocal range is impressive, and he's been known to hit difficult high notes with ease. Derek's voice has a rough and staccato quality that works well for his rock and roll-influenced sound. To sing like Derek, you'll need to focus on developing a strong chest voice, mixed voice, and vocal fry techniques. You can also incorporate his signature growling technique, which adds a gritty quality to his performances.

Songs that showcase their Vocal Techniques:

To develop your singing abilities, it's essential to listen to and study the songs of the artists you admire. Here are some songs from Andrew Peterson and Derek Webb that highlight their unique vocal techniques:

  • Andrew Peterson:
    • *Is He Worthy:* This song is a great example of Andrew's warm and rich tone. The melody is simple, but it allows him to showcase his excellent pitch and dynamic control.
    • *Don't You Want to Thank Someone:* This song features Andrew's open-throated singing and clear diction. The chorus is particularly memorable, with a soaring melody that accentuates Andrew's vocal range.
    • *Dancing in the Minefields:* The song's slow tempo helps to emphasize Andrew's warm tone and emotional depth. The performance is restrained yet powerful and features some excellent dynamics.
  • Derek Webb:
    • *Wedding Dress:* Derek's vocals on this track are both gritty and vulnerable. He starts with a soft and subdued tone, but as the song progresses, he builds up to an intense and powerful climax.
    • *Black Eye:* This song is a great example of Derek's chest voice, and mixed voice techniques. The verses are sung in a low and almost spoken voice, which contrasts with the explosive chorus.
    • *What Matters More:* The song is a catchy and upbeat track that features Derek's growling technique. The effect is subtle but adds an extra layer of texture to the track.

Practical Advice:

To perfect your voice like Andrew Peterson and Derek Webb, the following tips will be helpful:

  • Focus on Breath Control: To mimic Andrew's controlled and present voice, focus on utilizing proper breathing techniques. Avoid using your nose to take in air, rather let your diaphragm pull air downward. Focus on exhaling slowly and keeping your voice supported. One good exercise you can use is the Farinelli breathing exercise from Singing Carrots.
  • Develop Your Chest Voice: To sing like Derek, focus on using your chest voice, which will help you hit high notes with more power and clarity. Sing scales, and add vowel modifications to increase awareness and control in the chest voice. Check out the Chest Voice Explained exercise from Singing Carrots.
  • Experiment with Different Techniques: Experiment with different singing techniques, including twang, vocal distortion, and vibrato to find your unique voice. The Vocal Training program from Singing Carrots has a range of vocal exercises you can use to experiment with various techniques.
  • Warm-Up Properly: Warming up your voice correctly is essential for singing like Andrew Peterson and Derek Webb. Humming and other vocal warm-up exercises are good voice preparation techniques you might use. The 3 Minute Warm Up exercise from Singing Carrots is an example you can follow.
  • Take Care of Your Voice: Always maintain good vocal health, practice good singing habits, and avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol.

Singing Carrots Resources:

To support your vocal journey to singing like Andrew Peterson and Derek Webb, make use of the following Singing Carrots resources:

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.